While we would much prefer to be back in the bustling world of live events the lockdown has allowed us to show our creative side in helping clients create brand and company engagement outside of traditional live space.
For example, we have just helped the great guys in Indeed Ireland reach out to their staff not just in Ireland but around the world with a special Friday afternoon concert special with Gavin James, from his living room. A special performance from Gavin just for all the staff in indeed in Ireland and around the world was broadcast straight into their inboxes as they work from home around the globe. It was a way for indeed to pause and thank their staff for the flexibility and professionalism during this crazy time but also to give them a memorable and entertaining break from everything around them.
Another example is working with Mitsubishi Electric Ireland. Working with Mitsubishi Electric Ireland to take their training programme on line. Under normal circumstances Mitsubishi Electric would host a series of events to deliver product information, training, CPD courses to range of key stakeholders. With this not possible it was decided to take these online.
At CSL, creativity is part of our lifeblood. And for the moment we are directing it to helping clients engage online.